The tall and handsome hero from mega family Varun tej doing his second film Kanche with ace director krish. And from title to first look this film is creating much hype in the public. After his decent debut in Mukunda last year, Varun Tej, the nephew of mega star Chiranjeevi, is back in circulation again with the first poster of his second film, Kanche. In Mukunda he fought local politicians and his henchmen for love and friendship. Whereas in Kanche he is playing as a soldier: The poster has the silhouette of a man carrying a gun. The image is elevated by a background image of a handwritten letter in Telugu and a British India stamp to the right on which the soldier’s image is embossed.The base of the poster shows a war scene. The picture gives a hint of a flashback story, possibly of pre-independent British India. Another smaller image has a couple walking in a distance with their cycles indicating there is a cute, innocent lovestory hidden in the film.. Poster is very much interesting by all this and lets hope this movie will give him a strong setback for his career…