After the viva video gone viral into media. Due to viva only viva harsh became popular and he is acting in movies now. Viva Harsha has released a new video. Viva Harsha the man, needs no introduction. He became popular among Telugu audiences with his short film Viva. Later on, team Viva have received huge applause for doing a satirical video on private educational institutions in the Telugu States. Now the team is back with a bang! Recently, they uploaded a new video The Tourist Guide, which is an excellent satirical and hilarious take on the careless attitudes of people, show while driving on roads.
In this video, Harsha is seen as a tourist guide and it starts with rib tickling one liners. But it ends with a hard hitting message regarding the pathetic situation of roads in India and also the careless attitudes of riders. The team has succeeded in conveying the message in a forthright and intriguing way.
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