With a tremendous increase in the number of hours we spend in front of a screen (computer, TV, or smartphone), vision problems are becoming quite common these days. We are using our eyes more than ever to stare at our smartphones or laptops, which eventually leads to an increase in eye fatigue and other eye-related problems. You end up opting for costly surgeries or treatments to get rid of these vision problems. But, that’s not necessary! Diminished eyesight will no longer be a lifelong problem. This miracle is possible with just a simple and powerful home remedy. It is very easy to make as the ingredients required are easily available. So, let’s check out the recipe!
All you need to do here is mix the ingredients in a blender till a smooth mixture is formed. And voila! Your vision boosting drink is ready to consume. You can store this drink in an airtight container in the refrigerator for around 10 days.
Drinking this mixture thrice a day, one tablespoon half an hour before your meals, is said to be very beneficial for your eyes. This nutrient-packed drink not only enhances eye health but also improves the overall health of your body. This recipe was discovered by a very famous Russian doctor, Vladimir Petrovich Filatov. He claimed that he had tested it on many patients, and it worked for all of them. He also said that drinking this mixture will improve eyesight and get rid of the intraocular pressure.
Consult your doctor before drinking this. If you are allergic to aloe vera juice, or if you’re suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, acute renal disease, or if you’re pregnant, avoid drinking this. Aloe vera juice might cause inflammation of the female genital organs and lead to complications. Also, make sure that the aloe vera plant is not older than three years.