The most sought-after laddu prasadam of Lord Venkateswara will become dearer shortly. The TTD board has taken a decision in this regard. The price of Laddu may go upto Rs 35 , as the cost for preparing each Laddu is Rs 39, according to board Chairman Chadalavada Krishna Murthy. However, the devotees are raising doubts as to how Laddu manufacturing would be considered as a commercial aspect, when the holy shrine’s activities are completely being run with the support of donations and contributions of crores of devotess across the globe.
Infact, the Government is not supposed to intervene in the matter, as TTD is an autonomous body. However, the TTD Chairman said that he would seek the permission from the Government. “When the Government has no role to play in this devotional issue, as to how he approaches,” one of the board members asked. It may be recalled that Laddu prices were increased during 1995 and 2007. In fact, the TTD has been funding several academic and medical institutions with Crores of rupees assistance, and now making a big cry over the Laddu prasadam. If TTD is really facing financial crunch, it has to come up with the real audit report, where in several lacunas related to corruption at higher level were reportedly noticed.
Instead of that TTD is contemplating to increase the price of Laddu, and thus affecting the sentiments of devotees. The Trust Board of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), which met in Tirupati under the chairmanship of D K Adikesavulu Naidu on Saturday, decided to double the price of each laddu from Rs 5 to Rs 10.
Besides, the free laddu prasadam that is given to devotees will also be stopped from January 1, 2010, according to the Board. “Instead of the free laddu, each devotee will now be sold two laddus each at the rate of Rs 10,” a TTD spokesman said. The TTD decided to continue all the ‘aarjita sevas’ of the Lord.
The Board also approved a budget of Rs 35 crore for improving the security in Tirumala.