Actor Aadhi Pinisetty and Nikki Galrani’s latest film Maragatha Naanayam released in theatres on Friday, June 16, 2017. The film also dubbed in Telugu as Marakathamani which also simultaneously Releasing on the same day. Director Saravan wrote this film based on a real-life incident that he read in newspapers. It is fiction story which is the mix of comedy, horror etc.
The story of Marakathamani unfolds in three different timelines: 1100, 1992 and 2016. is centered around five characters and set across three periods. The story is inspired by a real-life incident and the director has added necessary elements to make it an entertaining film without the usual cliched hero-heroine characters. It tells the tale of two gangs in search of a treasure. How He finds the stone and risks he faced forms the crux of the film.
The film has got the pretty much pre-release hype with the interesting teaser and trailer. In the trailer, Aadhi was seen in a different avatar which never seen before. Director Saravan wrote this film based on a real-life incident that he read in newspapers. It is fiction story which is the mix of comedy, horror etc. Markathamani is an adventurous fantasy comedy thriller movie. It is the dubbed version of the Tamil film, Maragatha Naanayam. The movie revolves around the heist of a huge and ancestral diamond called Markatamani.
Aadhi Pinisetty: He has done justice to his role and his performance is the highlight of the movie.
Nikki Galrani: Her role holds some suspense and adds an important value to the script. She has also done her best and is sure to steal the show.
Anandaraj, Ramdoss, Danie, Mime Gopi, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Arunraja Kamaraj and MS Baskar’s performances are also assets of the movie.
But the director has given it a different touch by clubbing many genres like adventure, fantasy, comedy and thriller. Some horror comedy scenes keep the viewers engaged in the first half, which ends with an interesting twist at the interval. The director makes sure he holds viewers stay glued to their seats with interesting twists in the second half too. Markathamani has brilliant production values. Picturisation, background score and special effects are the attractions on the technical front, say the film-goers.