Minister for IT, Municipal Administration & Urban Development and Industries K.T. Rama Rao has been invited to be the guest of honour at the inaugural session of the first ever Sri Lanka Human Capital Summit 2016 to be held on August 11 and 12 at the Taj Samundra Hotel, Colombo.
The Summit is being organised by the Sri Lanka Government in collaboration with the World Bank, ADB and the ILO will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremensinghe, who will speak on ‘Sri Lanka as a Talent Capital’. The deliberations will be on human capital opportunities aiming to develop a national agenda to support Sri Lanka’s economic growth plans.
Mr. Rao has been asked to talk about ‘Building a future ready workforce’ – how the State Government enhances the employability and competitiveness of employees and job seekers so as to build a workforce to meet the challenging needs of Indian economy. World Bank Director of Strategy and Operations, Human Development and Director Education Dr. Amit Dar will base his address of ‘Towards a future ready force’, a press release said.