Home remedies for quick relief from Acidity!


Suffering from acidity or acid re flux too often and tired of having antacids? Well, there are many natural remedies, with you can get rid of this problem. Not only are these home remedies sans any side-effects, they will also help resolve the discomfort that comes with hyper acidity in jiffy. So to help you beat heartburn.

acidity remedies
Home remedies for acidity:

1. Bananas – Eat a ripe banana for some relief. You could also eat an overripe banana to beat an especially bad bout of acidity, as they tend to contain more potassium which makes it the perfect antidote.
2. Cold milk – It is essential that you have the milk cold and without any additives like sugar. You could even mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective.
3. Buttermilk – Simply drink plain buttermilk several times a day until you get relief. Mix in a little black pepper or one teaspoon of ground coriander leaves for best results.
4. Clove – Bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly released juice will immediately lower acid re flux and give you some relief.
5. Ginger – The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger help treat acidity. Ginger juice can also neutralize stomach acids.
6. Jaggery – Jaggery aids digestion and becomes alkaline in the digestive system, thus reducing stomach acidity.

