Rishi Kapoor is 63 today. Birth day wishes to the hero, from Kapoor’s family. One can remember that he has played the role of his father’s younger version in the latter’s film ‘Mera Naam Joker’ and bagged the National Film Award for Best Child Artist. He also won the Filmfare Best Actor Award for his first lead role in ‘Bobby’. Coming from Bollywood’s first family, acting runs in his blood. With his chocolate boy image he starred in many romantic films and stole a million hearts. Born on September 4, 1952, Rishi Kapoor turns 63 today. His chemistry with Dimple in movies brought him close to the hearts of audience. He has done a good number of films with Neetu Singh whom he married in January 1980 in a grand ceremony after a courtship of five years. On the occasion of his Birthday, here’s a look at five films of one of the most iconic on-screen and off-screen couple.