Now, producers in South and North India can relax. Actor-producer Dia Mirza has blessed them with her cool words. She expressed her opinion that India is blessed with extremely beautiful locations and hence there is no need to conduct events at foreign locations. Dia Mirza also advised producers to have a first experience in Indian locations. She also felt that organizing events in India makes her happy. Stating that there are so many beautiful and exotic locations in our country, she is under opinion that we need to go overseas to have a spectacular event.
The actress, who is a jury member for the EEMAX awards of the Event and Entertainment Management Association (EEMA), said: “It is very interesting to see entries from different parts of country and different entertainment companies. I am too a part of entertainment industry and we actors too somehow become a part of this industry. “It is a sector which contributes significantly to the national exchequer, which is growing tremendously. We Indians are very fond of marriage ceremonies and even birthday parties are also celebrated in a grand fashion.”
Dia Mirza feels that these kind of awards are important for event organizers and people who work for it, because “they bring so much happiness in the life of people”.