Actress Jyothi has been eliminated from the popular reality show Bigg Boss Telugu season 1, aired on July 22nd, which is hosted by Tollwood Star Jr NTR. She is the first contestant to leave the house, out of 14 contestants.
In the first week of Big Boss, Madhu Priya, Kaththi Karthika, Kathi Mahesh, Hari Teja and Jyothi were nominated for the elimination from the house. The audiences were eagerly waiting to know who would be evicted first on Saturday. On Saturday, host NTR had even asked Kathi Mahesh to pack his bags and be ready to walk out of the house. Just a few moments later, Jr NTR left everyone in a twist by asking Hari Teja and Jyoti to pack their bags and be ready to walk out of the house. When the contestants were shocked, the host consoled them saying that the elimination would happen on Sunday.
On Sunday, Jr NTR has given some fun activities to contestants, After that He announced the name of Jyothi as the first contestant to be eliminated from the house of Bigg Boss Telugu. Later, talking to Jr NTR, Jyothi said, All the participants were all happy and friendly in the first two days post which their attitudes started changing. I thought of fighting it back, but could not. I was already started feeling suffocation. The group discussion started here and there and some started cornering me. But finally, they realised that they had mistaken her and I am not like the one they thought.