Baahubali Actress Anushka Shetty Going to Pair With Chiranjeevi in His Upcoming Film Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. As Per Inside Reports Actress she was offered to play the female lead role in Khaidi No 150, she rejected the offer as she was busy in the shooting of Baahubali and now Mega Hero come Producer Ram Chara planning to rope Anushka Shetty to play the female lead role in the biopic of ‘Uyyalavada Narasimha Reddy’. The filmmakers felt that Anushka would fit the role perfectly and approached her. Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy which is his 151st film. The movie is directing by Surender Reddy and produced by Ram Charan. The movie is a biopic on the life of popular freedom fighter from Kurnool. For the role, chiru changed his look and the photograph going viral on the internet.
Previously Anushka Shetty Shared Screen Space with Chiranjeevi in AR Murugadoss’s directorial venture ‘Stalin’ in special item song. As Reports come true, very soon she will be seen romancing with Chiru in this biopic. Uyyalavada Narasimha Reddy is Chiranjeevi’s most ambitious film which will be made on the lavish budget of Rs 150 Cr, and helmed by Surender Reddy.
On work front currently actress anushka is busy in her ongoing woman centric movie ‘Bhagmati’ under the direction of Pilla Zamindar fame G. Ashok. Megastar Chiranjeevi , who have received a huge success with his 150th film Khaidi no.150 is all set to do his 151st film. The Actor is gonna act in the biopic of the first freedom fighter of Telugu states Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy soon. Movie lovers have been excited to see Chiru’s getup in the period entertainer.